Tuesday 1st April, Wednesday 2nd April, Thursday 3rd April!

After my last entry I decided to head back to Olly’s house on a xe om. I showed the rider the name of the street written down as I still seem unable to pronounce it.  It soon became apparent that he was either illiterate or had a penchant for driving round in circles.  He also […]

Read the rest of Tuesday 1st April, Wednesday 2nd April, Thursday 3rd April!

Tuesday 1st April – Hanoi……

and it’s not raining!  Hooray! It’s April Fools’ day too but I haven’t seen too many Vietnamese carrying out comedy pranks as yet. Maybe I should start a trend ;o)  My travel and trips started with great momentum at the start and I seem to have settled into more of a not doing very much […]

Read the rest of Tuesday 1st April – Hanoi……